
Red apples are one of the most widely cultivated fruits, prized for their sweetness, crisp texture and vibrant color. Below are detailed specifications:

Physical characteristics

1. Size:

Diameter: 6–10 cm.

Weight: 150–300 grams per apple.


2. Form:

Round to slightly conical depending on variety.


3. Color:

Skin: Bright to deep red, sometimes with slight green or yellow undertones.

Flesh: White to cream in color.


4. Texture:

Bark: Smooth and shiny, with a hard waxy surface.

Flesh: crispy, juicy and firm.



Chemical composition

1. Moisture content: ~85%.

2. pH: 3.3–4.0 (slightly acidic).

3. Brix (sugar content): 10–15% (varies with variety and maturity).

4. Nutritional value (per 100 g):

Calories: ~52 kcal.

Carbohydrates: ~14 g.

Sugars: ~10g.

Dietary fiber: ~2.4 g.

Protein: ~0.3 g.

Fat: ~0.1 g.

Vitamin C: ~4.6 mg.

Potassium: ~107 mg.

Small amounts of vitamin K, magnesium and manganese.

Quality standards

1. Appearance:

Same size, shape and color.

Free of stains, bruises and pest damage.


2. Taste:

Sweet to bittersweet, depending on the variety.


3. Hardness:

Crisp texture; no soft spots or wrinkles.


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