Quinoa (all colors available)


Physical specifications

Type: White (most common), red, black, or tricolor quinoa.

Size: The diameter of the seeds usually varies between 1.2–2.0 mm.

Moisture content: ≤ 13% to ensure proper storage and shelf life.

Purity: Minimum 99.9% purity (no foreign matter such as stones, dirt or other grains).

Foreign matter: ≤ 0.1% (eg dust, husks, other seeds).

Broken seeds: ≤ 3%.

Saponin content: Sweet quinoa (low saponin content) or bitter quinoa (requires processing).

Color: Uniform according to type (white, red or black).

2. Chemical specifications

Protein content: 12–18%, depending on the variety.

Fat content: 5–7%, mostly unsaturated fat.

Carbohydrates: approximately 60-70%.

Ash content: ≤ 3%.

Fiber content: 7–9%.

pH (for extracts): Neutral to slightly alkaline (6.8–8.0).

Pesticide residues: Within the permissible limits set by the regulatory authorities.

3. Microbiological specifications

Total Plate Count (TPC): ≤ 50,000 CFU/g.

Yeast and mold: ≤ 100 CFU/g.

Well. coli: Missing in 1 g.

Salmonella: Missing in 25 g.

Aflatoxins: ≤ 10 ppb.

4. Nutritional characteristics (per 100 g, uncooked)

Calories: ~368 kcal.

Protein: ~14 g.

Fat: ~6 g.

Carbohydrates: ~64g.

Fiber: ~7 g.

Minerals: rich in magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and zinc.

Vitamins: Contains B-vitamins (B1, B2, B6) and folate.

Amino Acids: Complete protein source with all 9 essential amino acids.

5. Packaging and storage

Packaging: Food grade materials (eg polypropylene or paper lined bags).

Net weight: 25kg, 50kg or retail sizes (250g, 500g, 1kg).

Storage conditions: Cool and dry place (< 25°C) with < 65% relative humidity.

Shelf life: 12–24 months under suitable conditions


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