Introducing Caulerpa racemosa, a classic macroalgae known for its mighty nutrient export capabilities! Also known as Sea Grapes or Green Caviar, this marine macroalgae is highly sought-after for its unique aesthetic appeal and numerous benefits.
Caulerpa racemosa is a vibrant green plant with a delicate, grape-like structure with small, round, and highly decorative leaves. When fully grown, it forms an attractive and dense bush-like structure that adds a touch of natural beauty to any aquarium or refugium.
Not only is Caulerpa racemosa visually stunning, but it also serves as an excellent natural filtration system, helping to maintain water quality by absorbing excess nitrates and phosphates. Additionally, it provides a food source for herbivorous fish and invertebrates.
Caulerpa racemosa is typically easy to care for and requires minimal attention. It thrives in well-lit refugium with moderate water flow and does best when anchored to a substrate. With its unique appearance and multiple benefits, Caulerpa racemosa is an excellent choice for aquarium enthusiasts looking to enhance the beauty and health of their refugium environment.
It is important to note that while Caulerpa racemosa is a beautiful and beneficial addition to your aquarium or refugium, it can sometimes exhibit a phenomenon known as “going sexual.” This occurs when the macroalgae begins to reproduce sexually, producing a significant amount of spores and potentially releasing harmful toxins into the water. The spores and the toxins may lead to potential harm to other organisms in the tank.
Pro Tip: Caulerpa’s do not appreciate sharp drops in nitrates (NO3) or Phosphates (PO4). Keeping these levels near zero may cause this macroalga to go sexual and turn into spore form. We recommend monitoring your algae closely and removing any reproductive structures as soon as they are detected. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the aquarium is well-maintained with proper water flow, lighting, and nutrient levels.
Note: This is not the asian variety of sea grapes, also known as Caulerpa lentillifera. This specific algae is much closer to tea cup-shaped bells.
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