Halymenia durvillei is distributed across the Indo-Pacific Ocean. It typically occurs over hard substrates in the lower intertidal-upper subtidal zones. It is most abundant in moderately turbulent waters at around 30-50 meters depth.
H. durvillei grows either free-floating or attached to rock. Attached individuals grow to heights of a foot or more. Growing at a moderate pace (and so preferring moderate-lower nutrient levels), it is best as a refugium plant for moderately stocked or meticulously maintained systems. The species tolerates dimly lit conditions (though it prefers bluish light). Harvested refugium material can be fed out as a nutritious supplemental food source for many herbivorous creatures (rabbitfish, tangs, sea urchins, etc.).
Aquacultured dragon’s breath macroalgae provide a huge advantage over wild-caught specimens. For instance, if cultivated in captive conditions, they are better adapted to living in an aquarium. They are also less likely to harbor unwanted hitchhikers. Moreover, aquacultured specimens are better able to handle shipping stress. Most noteworthy, by purchasing captive-bred livestock you support the aquaculture of marine organisms and help to make our hobby more sustainable!
AlgaeBarn keeps dragon’s breath macroalgae in a macroalgae-specific system to minimize the transfer of fish parasites and other unwanted hitchhikers.
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