Red Spaghetti

Size and Care Requirements:
Purchase Size: 3-4″ (ball diameter) – 0.75-1 ounce weight
Max Size: approximately 7″ (diameter)
Water Parameters: -78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 7.8-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025
Color: Red to reddish brown
Reef-Safe: Yes
Fertilization: Generally, there are sufficient nutrients/minerals in the aquarium water to support this species. The regular replenishment of trace elements, however, might boost growth.


Red Spaghetti Ogo Macroalgae Species Information
The Red Spaghetti Ogo macroalgae (Gracilaria pacifica) is distributed across the American Pacific Coast from Alaska to northern Mexico. It prefers rocky, subtidal environments that are shallow and well protected from strong currents. It typically grows attached to a stone, but may be found unattached or even “rooted,” partially buried in the sediments.

Gracilaria pacifica grows in the refugium either attached to rocks or free-floating (e.g. tumbled). Red spaghetti macro grows at a faster rate than many other Gracilaria spp. and is thus excellent when utilized for nutrient export. As it prefers cooler waters, this species fares best in systems that are less susceptible to summer temperature spikes. Because it tolerates moderate light intensities, it can be placed in shadier/deeper parts of the tank. An excellent live food, it can supplement the diet of many herbivorous fishes such as blennies, rabbitfish, angelfish, tangs, etc.

Benefits of Aquacultured Red Spaghetti Ogo
Aquacultured red spaghetti ogo macroalgae are highly preferable to wild-harvested specimens. If cultivated in captivity, for example, they are far better adapted to aquarium life. They are also much less likely to carry pests. Aquacultured specimens are also better equipped to handle shipping stress. And, when you purchase captive-bred livestock, you support the aquaculture of marine organisms and help to make our hobby more sustainable!


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