Mocha Spike Sphere

Size and Care Requirements:
Purchase Size: 1″-2″ (ball diameter)
Max Size: approximately 4″ (diameter)
Water Parameters: 55-80° F, dKH 8-12, pH 7.8-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025
Color: Golden brown
Reef-Safe: Yes
Fertilization: Generally, there will be sufficient nutrients and minerals present in the aquarium water to support this species. It may in certain cases be advantageous to dose certain vital elements (iron, iodine, etc.). High- to medium-intensity, bluish lighting will obtain the highest growth rate for this adaptive seaweed.


Mocha Spike Sphere Species Information

Mocha Spike Sphere (G. tikvahiae) is common along the North American East Coast from Canada to southern Mexico. It also occurs in the Caribbean and South America, where color and form are especially variable. Invasive populations have also become established in Hawaii. It prefers moderate water movement in fertile, shallow, subtidal habitats.

Benefits of Aquacultured Mocha Spike Sphere Macroalgae

Aquacultured mocha spike sphere macroalgae provide a huge advantage over wild-harvested specimens. For instance, if cultivated under captive conditions, they are better adapted to living in an aquarium. They are also much less likely to carry unwanted hitchhikers. Better yet, aquacultured specimens are better able to tolerate shipping stress. By purchasing captive-bred livestock you support the aquaculture of marine organisms and help to make our hobby more sustainable!


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