Leafy Sphere Ogo Macroalgae Species Information
Halymenia maculata is distributed across the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans. It prefers rocky, subtidal environments that are reef-associated. It fares best in areas of moderate to high water flow.
Halymenia maculata can grow either attached to rock or free-floating. For a seaweed, leafy sphere grows slowly and thus requires harvesting less frequently than some other macroalgae. It loves good water quality and strong water movement. The species tolerates slightly lower light intensities and therefore can flourish in shadier or deeper parts of the tank. It is quite palatable and is thus useful as a nutritious supplemental food source for many herbivorous fishes (angelfish, tangs, rabbitfish, etc.).
Benefits of Aquacultured Macroalgae
Aquacultured leafy sphere macroalgae are highly preferable to wild-harvested specimens. For example, if cultivated in captivity, they are much better adapted to aquarium life. They are also less likely to carry pests. Even more, aquacultured specimens are better equipped to handle shipping stress. And, by buying captive-bred livestock, you support the aquaculture of marine organisms and help to make our hobby more sustainable!
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