Mocha ogo

Size and Care Requirements
Max Size: approximately 4″ (diameter)
Water Parameters: 60-83° F, dKH 8-12, pH 7.8-8.4, sg 1.023-1.025
Color: Deep, rich brown with hints of red and green.
Reef-Safe: Yes
Fertilization: Generally, there will be more than enough nutrients and minerals present in the aquarium water to support this species. It may in certain cases be advantageous to dose certain vital elements (iron, iodine, etc.).


Mocha Ogo Species Information
Gracilaria tikvahiae occurs widely across the tropics but is especially abundant in the Caribbean and Florida. It has also been introduced in Hawaii. Though it can grow unattached, it typically occurs in shallow (<1 to 10 meters deep) intertidal environments attached to a hard substrate such as limestone or basalt rock surfaces. G. tikvahiae can establish itself in both protected coves and wave-battered shores. It prefers nutrient-rich waters. It is extremely palatable and serves well as a nutritious live food source for many herbivorous fishes (rabbitfish, angelfish, tangs, etc.). Benefits of Aquacultured Mocha Ogo Aquacultured mocha ogo plants provide a huge advantage over wild-harvested specimens. For instance, if cultivated in captive conditions, they are better adapted to living in an aquarium. They are also less likely to harbor unwanted hitchhikers. Moreover, aquacultured specimens are better able to handle shipping stress. Most noteworthy, by purchasing captive-bred livestock you support the aquaculture of marine organisms and help to make our hobby more sustainable!


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